COVID-19 impacted the lives of people in every sector. If you lost your job during this pandemic, you probably know that you are not the only one. There are millions of people in the world who lost their job.
Just relax for a couple of days.

The best thing you can do during this exceptional time is to relax and focus on your health and wellbeing.
Spend time to improve your mental health and remember; this is not the end of the world. Help yourself to come out of this "dark period" of time. Be confident before applying for the next job. Spend time to assess what is your interest and what you really want to do as this could be the best time to focus on your career.
Admit that things have changed

It would be best if you accept that things had been modified as soon as possible. Companies are using different strategies and methodology to safe the business. Probably their recruitment policies have been changed too to adapt to the time of the " unknown". Help yourself by accepting those changes in the job market as it is not the same as it was in the past, and we do not know when or if they ever will be.
Make a strategy

Remember that some of the companies are hiring during this pandemic more than ever, so you have to be strategic and look for a long term job opportunity. Use job boards and other resources to help you make a decision.
You can also make a curve from your path as, during this period, most of the people shifted to some other professions. You can change too and become who you really want to be and do what you are passionate about.
Use multiple resources

When you are looking for a job, do not use only one source. Utilise all available job boards, social media, friend's recommendations etc. Do the research and use everything available to you. Focus on your skills, experience, your career goals, and what you want to achieve to decide on the resources which will help you get there.
Continue networking

You are probably not going to events, job expos etc. therefore, you should continue networking using social media platforms. Contact the people in your network; you never know if their family or friends are not working in a company or industry of your interest. Ask them if their company is hiring or if they know any other company which is.

Recognize the social butterflies and identify the people who they can introduce you to search out for the person who is connecting you to the number of people. They are your power connectors. It could be your friends or your family member. They may not know your industry, but they may know someone who can help you.
Reconnect to everyone who you have not been in touch for some time again via emails, texts, video calling, and other social media apps. It will help you to find a new path.

We all are going through this time together, things are different, and we all getting to know a term Work From Home so there is a possibility that companies you were interested in but were too far from your home may have changed their working policies. The hiring process is also different, as companies are conducting interviews online, so you got more time to prepare, and you will be in the comfort of your own house during the interview.
Join virtual conferences and webinars

Search out for online sessions and meetups in which same-minded professional people get together and discuss various aspects of your domain. Sessions that will help you out to overcome your problems, worries, and potentially answer questions which you might have.
Update your resume
Writing a resume is an art and a science. When you write your resume, you have to keep two audiences in your mind one of them is the Applicant Tracking System which is a software to scan your resume, and the other one is the Hiring Manager who will see your CV. Sometimes you are qualified for the role, but your resume's design kept you from being shortlisted.

Get the right attention from the employer and differentiate your resume. Make sure it is easy to read, easy on the eye and attach a cover letter describing the importance of why you are suitable for the role. Look at the job spec and analysed every skill and experience needed. Ask yourself if you have those skills, and if you are ready for this challenge.
Before applying, show your resume to a professional or a friend and get an opinion, make sure you have designed your resume according to the job. A good resume is not about fonts and graphics that make your resume stand out; it is about the content of it. Write your resume using easy and simple language related to the position applied and highlight your qualification for this job.
Focus on job search mindset

When you are ready for one interview, apply for another one. Keep going and keep applying.
Do not stop networking and looking for multiple roles. Hope for the best but assume the worst so you will never get disappointed, but you will never stop either until you get the new job. Never Give up and do not take things personally. Unemployment is increasing day by day during the pandemic. Do not think your job loss is your personal loss as it does not define your skills and what your worth. Learn from each experience and improve what you can every time.

Thank you for reading!

It is apositive guiding people as they move through both short term and long term life transitions